Friday, October 15, 2010

Bleeding from Mouth (Haematemesis)

(This article contain many medical terms and for medical related students and doctors. Free to share. No copy writes. Its my personal study and research.)

It is the most common emergency situation and can cause death of victim within few hours. According to 2006 data, 50-150 admission of hospital per 100 000 of population of United Kingdom came to emergency department for this bleeding. We are going to discuses some golden points about this. According to South African Medical Journal ISSN 0256-9574, the following incidence rate for surgical requirement and its management for Hematemesis is given below

Some doctors believe that it is the treatment which is of more important value compared to engaging patient into diagnostic tests. Clinically diagnosed patient should be treated on major fronts immediately. Those signs and symptoms which every man should know about are given as follows;
1) Haematemesis, may be with clots , bleeding profusely from mouth. Profuse black coffee ground appearance of vomitus is very rare, though more dangerous than the previous one.
2) Black stool or Melena is another common presentation of Gastrointestinal area.
3) Third important sign is >15 points rise of pulse and >20 point down fall of systolic blood pressure on immediately changing the position, called as Orthostasis. It indicates small quantity (15-20%) of blood loss.

1) The first step is IV fluid of Ringer Lactate or Normal Saline resuscitation using large bore cannula
2) Check out A,B,C (Airway, breathing, Circulation, Temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, etc)
3) Send the blood sample for CBC, PT, and in case cross match.
4) Find out any Liver abnormality, stigmata, hepatosplenomegaly, or decompromised cirrhosis.
5) If PT is elevated, immediately start Fresh Frozen plasma. Vitamin K work too slowly in this regard, so less effective.
6) Octreotide is added in treatment to control portal hypertension and developing cirrhosis.
7) Naso-gastric tubing, which is used first for diagnostic purpose can be helpful for therapeutic purpose too e.g. in putting saline solution into the bleeding site.
8) Endoscopy is used only for finding out etiology of disease.
9) Though in more than 85% of patients, spontaneous bleeding resolve by itself, yet Proton Pump Inhibitors and H2- receptor blockers add effectiveness to the treatment plane.
10) Sclerotherapy, emergency endoscopy and TIPS (Trans-jugular Intra hepatic Porto-systemic Shunting) are the surgical techniques to stop bleeding.
11) Black-more Tube to temponade the site of bleeding in stomach or esophagus is rarely used now a days.
12) Beta blockers, propronol is however gaining more and more space in stooping bleeding from varicose.

1) Endoscopy, for finding out etiology of bleeding. Endoscopic picture of Gastrointestinal bleeding is as follows

2) Barium studies and Barium Follow through.
3) Biopsy, only after endoscopy.
4) Angiography
5) Nuclear bleeding scan (NBS)

6) Capsual Endoscopy
7) and Virtual Endoscopy of this disease.

The most common cause is Peptic Ulcer, both NSAID induced and H.pylori induced.
Gastric Erosion by NSAID, Alcohol.
Portal Vein thrombosis
Liver diseases.
Retching (Mallory Weiss tear)
Aortic graft
Vascular malformation.

Adopt healthy Lifestyle to prevent from Peptic Ulcer, avoid spicy things and try to use healthy, controlled and suitable balanced diet. Use of anti-inflammatory repose decrease their values. Recent studies also shows that alcohol use for any thing is also very dangerous.
Mallory Weiss tear uses surgery for control.

Davidson book of Medicine, 20th Edition
Medplus website
Atlas of Gastrointestinal bleed.
Principles of Gastrointelligent
International Journal of Royal college for gastrointology

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weight Loss! (Naturally)

Many people are struggling to lose weight. As people get busier in their lives, the rate of obesity is rising. The natural weight loss methods are more reliable when it comes to shredding weight. It consists of exercise, a healthy diet, and a healthy lifestyle. If followed and done correctly, one can attain the body that they like without experiencing any side effects and risking their own health. If you want to be healthy, you’re going to work at it. And I don’t mean that you’re just going to get out a couple times a week and move around a little—sort of as a fun hobby. Don’t stop eating, and don’t overdo the exercise – Stay away from starvation diets, as they are really dangerous. 

The 7 Day Diet

The 7 day diet is based on the fat burning food cabbage. The 7 day diet can be very rigid and hard to stick to, but promises up to 10 pounds a week weight loss. Basically, the 7 day diet plan with cabbage soup consists of followings:

Low Fat Recipes

Cabbage Soup Diet Recipes for Home Use
Cabbage soup diet recipes are all over the world, as so many people use this diet as a way to lose weight twice a year. Remember that when using this diet, you should diet for one week and take several months off then you can resume your dieting practices again.

Easy Weight Loss for You
Loosing weight with or without diet pills is a topic that always remains in controversy. Lots of attractive advertisements regarding weight loss pills can be seen in many newspapers, Televisions and magazines with great and amazing instances of their assured results. Forget the TV or Magazine commercials and always always and always consult your doctors for complete advice.

If you want your weight loss plan to be successful, make sure that it is balanced. Create a plan that consists of two main parts (diet and exercise) and you are on the right way. BMI is the current golden criteria to control if you want to control your obesity. Make a diet plane with the help of nutritional, make a range of your food and always always remember that "excess of anything is dangerous."